Nutrition. Lactation. Education.
Here For You As You
Nurture Your Little Ones
Helping Parents Of Color Feel Comfortable With Nourishing Themselves & Their Little Ones
About Harmony
Why work with us?
Harmony Nutrition & Lactation, LLC seeks to support new and expectant parents of color to embrace good nutrition and breastfeeding as they thrive and adjust to their new norm. Harmony Nutrition & Lactation, LLC works as a private lactation consultant and registered dietitian who assists families of color in achieving more positive outcomes through early nutrition counseling around relationships between food and health.
What We Offer
We offer preconception, prenatal, postpartum, infant, and preschool nutrition counseling as these are critical times in both a woman’s and a child’s life in determining health outcomes and developing habits. We provide individualized care to each client and offer materials and tools to assist them in achieving their unique goals with the help of our online nutritionist.

Our Services
Are you looking for the best lactation and nutrition support during the perinatal period? Look no further because Harmony Nutrition and Lactation was founded on a strong desire to serve others and believes in the importance of maintaining the health and well-being of both oneself and others. We are trained professionals and provide excellent quality care. The following are the best services we provide to our valuable clients. It includes:

Nutrition Counseling and Plans

Lactation Consultations

Family Sessions
News and Upcoming Events:

Posted By Admin: 24 Jan, 2022
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod ut
Excepteur Sint Occaecat Cupidatat Non Proident, Sunt In Culpa Qui Officia Deserunt Mollit Anim Id Est Laborum Proident.

Posted By Admin: 24 Jan, 2022
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod ut
Excepteur Sint Occaecat Cupidatat Non Proident, Sunt In Culpa Qui Officia Deserunt Mollit Anim Id Est Laborum Proident.

Posted By Admin: 24 Jan, 2022
consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod ut
Excepteur Sint Occaecat Cupidatat Non Proident, Sunt In Culpa Qui Officia Deserunt Mollit Anim Id Est Laborum Proident.